
To apply for an API Key to access the data in the IIHS API, please register for an account. As part of the registration process, an IIHS representative will contact you to discuss your intended use of IIHS materials, to review the display requirements as they pertain to your specific application, and to discuss appropriate limits on the amount of data you may download from the IIHS API. IIHS will provide you with an API key via email once your registration is approved.

Before registering, please review the Documentation, the IIHS API Terms of Service (in particular, note the Data Display Requirements in Section 5), and the IIHS API Privacy Notice. Your intended use of the API must be consistent with all terms and requirements in order to be approved.

The name used to log into your account. Usernames may only contain letters and digits, and must be between 4 and 16 characters long.

This email address will only be used for important messages regarding the IIHS API service.

Passwords must be at least 6 characters.

The URL of the website where you intend to use API data, or of a page that describes your application.

Add a brief description of your intended use of the API to help expedite the approval of your account.

Checking this box indicates your acceptance of the IIHS API Terms of Service.

Checking this box indicates you have read and consent to the terms of the IIHS API Privacy Notice.